Concerning Kids – How to keep your patience in the middle of a pillow fight

Children enjoy a mass pillow fight event in Vienna. Photo AFP, Alexander Klein
Christian Life
"You can learn many things from your children. How much patience you have, for instance," said Franklin P. Jones. And it is true, columnist Anna writes.
Our patience is always tested when kids are around. Especially when they try to help us or try to do something themselves.
I remember how my mom always struggled to get all three kids (my siblings and I) get dressed for a winter walk. It is challenging to put a touque on three heads, to tie three scarves, zip three coats and make sure the kids are wearing all six mittens. This process became harder when all the children started doing it themselves. It took even more time for everybody to get ready and more patience was necessary.
It is a journey of growing up as the little kid becomes the mature adult. Many parents wish it could happen faster, but some things just take its time. We cannot speed it up.
In my work with children I often tend to speed up processes. I want them to become more rational and smart, more productive and responsible the very next day after I teach them. But it never happens this way.
Our patience is tested when we let them walk at their own pace, make their own mistakes, make their own choices.
Once I visited my friends who had 7 children. They were happy parents because they loves kids so much. Surely they were also extremely exhausted, but they still found time to invite me for coffee. And while we sat in the kitchen, their kids started a pillow fight. You can imagine six kids and twelve pillows (of course, both hands were busy).
I felt so nervous because two or three once in a while got hit by pillows and were screaming. But my friends were not even paying attentions and kept telling me about new discounts in supermarkets. I cautiously warned them: "I believe kids need your attention", while feeling really awkward. "Oh, its okay.... They love to play together," said my friend. "And nobody gets killed by a pillow". My friends were true "patience gurus".
We need lots of patience with kids. What is even funnier is that we also have to teach kids how to be patient. Moreover, our own example plays a huge role. Kids often serve us as a huge magnifying mirror of our own faults. I find it rather challenging to look in this mirror. However, when I am honest with myself and acknowledge that I need to grow and to change, I am able to keep exercising in qualities that I lack.
In the end of the day after a new kid's tantrum and a teaching lesson I had to give the kid, I hug her, kiss her head and understand that I am ready to go for another day of her growth. My love will teach me to be patient.
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