Concerning Kids – Family and work, they can actually be reconciled

A mother who works at home while someone else takes care of the children. Photo ANP, Jeroen Jumelet
Christian Life
Work is necessary, but work can also be busy. And every hour at work is an hour not spend with the family. How do you find the right balance?
Kids can experience jealousy when their parents leave for work. Adults have to work, that is beyond doubt. Work is not an option, but a “must”. However, children perceive work as an enemy that steals their parent.
The latest surveys show that when people reach an older age, they share the same regrets about their life. The most common regret is that they have worked too much. But when does work become “too much”?
My friend Victoria works from home. That makes her happy as she does not have leave her house. However, her child always asks her to turn off the laptop and play with her instead. That makes her work challenging. Another friend of mine works in the church and his kids accuse the church of stealing their dad.
Kids are the most precious possessions we have. They should get our priority above work. However, work is an essential part of our life. Therefore, it is crucial to keep family and work time in balance.
It helps if kids are aware of what work is and why it is important. It would be good to explain to them the biblical perspective of work. First, people were created in God’s image, and they were placed in the perfect garden of Eden. God’s image means that they were called to be God’s representatives on the earth, to be managers of all. God called them to spread the garden to other places and manage the resources of the land.
Work was intended to be good. However, it became challenging because of sin. It has become harder to work and we won’t get all the results we expect, or we might run into difficulties. Yet, we are all called to develop our gifts and talents so that we can make our land a better place and serve the people.
If kids see the value of work, they understand the value of their own studies in school as it all contributes to the same calling. Besides, it would be great to show kids how the family budget is formed, and how work helps us to save money for our summer vacation or for new cool things.
Take your children to your work. Let them be excited about what you do and how important that is. When you leave the house, tell kids you love them above all, and you can’t wait to come back to be with them. And in the evening be mentally present with them – not only physically. Don’t work at home if you have been away all day already. Separate work and home, so that you are in balance.
I’ve heard a story about a woman, who threw home parties with kids the day her husband brought his salary home. She wanted the kids to celebrate and appreciate their father’s hard work. So they thanked dad, hugged him and ate a cake together. Find ways to present work as a friend, not an enemy.
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