Honorary mention for CNE article in Journalism Award

CNE reporter Lennart Nijenhuis. Photo RD, André Dorst
Christian Life
This year's Piazza Grande Religion Journalism Award contains a special mention for a CNE article by Lennart Nijenhuis.
His piece about the British baby Indi Gregory caught the jury's attention. The article is "well-written" and is a "moving story". The jury especially appreciates that the article gives different viewpoints on the issue of the critically ill baby, and also clarifies the differences between Catholics and Protestants regarding end-of-life issues.
The CNE team congratulates their colleague. "Lennart has worked passionately on this article", says chief editor Evert van Vlastuin. "It is important that good journalism receives the credit it deserves."
The prize-winning articles were about post-conflict Northern Ireland, believing in Kherson in Ukraine, and a "blessing robot" in Austria.
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