
Concerning Kids – How to make kids part of the church


Christian Life

Anna Gnatyshyna, CNE.news

Children attend the traditional blessing of food in folk costumes at the parish of Matki Bozej Krolowej Aniolow in Bialy Dunajec, south of Poland. Photo EPA, Grzegorz Momot

Billy Graham once said, “Love your children—and let them know you love them. Children who experience love find it far easier to believe God loves them.” I have no doubts that parents love their kids. But do our churches love kids too?

It is not sufficient for churches to display their love for our kids merely in organising more children programs. On the contrary, it is based on relations that the church builds with the kids.

The end goal should not be about making kids stay in this very church and increasing the membership rate. Instead, we should aim at guiding the little ones in their spiritual journey with God, which would also involve the church community as we all are on the same spiritual journey.

Kids should be aware that the church community cares about them and plants God’s Word in their hearts. Church is not a program that we participate in, but the community that loves God and the community we belong to. Faith is not about merely attending the church service, but also about living a life in obedience to the Lord, with others who walk in faith.


Parents should model the right attitude to church, as kids are quick to catch on the frustrations and even gossip that parents express when at home. Let kids see how we handle frustration with grace, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Let church leaders value kids’ questions. The church should be a place where hard questions are asked as the believers together look for the answers of how to walk by faith in a broken world that changes quickly.

Let the kids be connected to the church community. Do adults greet kids before the service? Do they know their names? Do they care of major events happening in kids’ lives? Kids should know they are the part of the church and the part of God’s mission in the world. Involve kids in mission trips, introduce them to missionaries, take them to Christian camping events.


In my church I often see how kids want to be helpful and do anything they are asked. It looks funny, but we have kids serving chocolate to adults, although the classical tradition consists of adults treating kids with hot chocolate. Kids serve water, they are the best enthusiasts in the greeting team, voluntarily distribute small Bibles before the service and help to collect them after the service ends. When helping they feel they are needed, they are appreciated and they know they are the part of the church that sees them, loves them and appreciates them.

You might say that all these church actions are not guarantees that kids will grow up and stay in the church. Well, no. After all, each kid has a mind and a heart of their own, therefore, they will make their own decisions. But we love and serve them not for the sake of teaching them to go to church. Instead, we raise the future adults as faithful followers of Christ. And while they are little, we guide them in the beginning of their spiritual journey with God.



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