Orthodox Church in Ukraine again very critical of Moscow
Eastern Europe
The Russian part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) has expressed itself very critically about the military operation. Last week, it was only Metropolitan Onuphry who did this. The whole Synod asked, “to stop the bloodshed” on Monday.
They directly addressed “His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia” to speak to the Russian government “to immediately stop hostilities that are already threatening into a world war.” The military operation is no less than “bloodshed between brothers”.
The Synod also asks President Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Zelensky “to put an end to the sin of armed confrontation between our two fraternal peoples and start the negotiation process.” “If the bloodshed is not stopped, the gap between our peoples may remain forever.”
Although this church is working with the Patriarchate in Moscow, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has always supported the “state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”, the Synod stresses.
Repetition of Cain’s sin
Last week already, the Metropolitan of the OCU, Onuphry, expressed himself very critical about the military operation. In a statement, he spoke about a “repetition of Cain’s sin, who enviously killed his brother.” A war between brothers has “no justification for either God or man”, he said. “The Ukrainian and Russian people came out together of the Dnieper baptismal font.”
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