
Orthodox Church comes with new Bible in Ukrainian


Eastern Europe


Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) last week. Still from video at news.church.ua

The Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has decided to publish a new Bible translation in Ukrainian. The Kiev Theological Academy is involved in this process as well.

This was published on the church’s website last week.

It’s a decision from that part of the Orthodox Church that resides under the Patriarchate of Moscow. There is also another branch of the Orthodox Church that has had autonomy since 2019 with her Patriarchate in Kiev.

According to the Union of Orthodox Journalists, the preparation of this Bible translation started over twenty years ago.

There is no mentioning of the background of the new Bible version. There are already several (complete) Bibles in Ukrainian, a Slavic language similar to Russian. Both branches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church are also involved in the Ukrainian Bible Society.



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