
Russian Metropolitan discusses “Ukraine” with head of EU delegation


Eastern Europe


Marcus Edeker (front left) and Metropolitan Hilarion (front right). Photo Mospat.ru

Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations (DECR), spoke with Markus Ederer, the head of the Delegation of the European Union to Russia.

Among the topics they discussed was also the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Interfax Religion and Mospat.ru report. The exact content of the conversation remains unknown.

According to Mospat.ru, Metropolitan Hilarion welcomed the “high-ranking diplomat to the synodal establishment responsible for the international contacts of the Russian Orthodox Church.” The website furthermore reports that the two discussed matters of mutual concern.

Elsa Pignol, the first secretary of the delegation and Archpriest Sergy Zvonaryov, the DECR secretary for the affairs of the Russian diaspora, were also part of the meeting.



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