Discussion about registered partnership reaches Slovakia

Milan Majerský, Christian Democratic politician from Slovakia. He is strongly opposed to legalising registered partnerships. Therefore, he clashed in a debate on TV with his progressive colleague Michal Šimeček. Photo Facebook, Michal Šimeček
Central Europe
Whereas registered partnerships have been fully legalised in Western European countries, the discussion now also reaches central and Eastern European states. Slovakia is next.
The discussion came to a boiling point on the TV show Na Telo. Christian Democratic leader Milan Majerský butchered the plans of progressive parties to legalise and promote registered partnerships in Slovakia. Currently, this is not yet legally possible in the country.
And if it is up to Michal Šimeček, the leader of the Progressive Slovakia party, this is to change. He stated during the TV broadcast that one of the priorities of his party is to improve the conditions for the cohabitation of gay couples Standard reports.
However, Marjerský threatened that “if someone wanted to introduce registered partnerships in any form, no matter what it is called, the pipe would go out.” He added that his party would not sit at the same table and that introducing registered partnerships would be a red line for him. The Christian Democrat added that the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman is enshrined in the constitution and that the Christian Democratic Party will hold onto this.
In the Czech Republic, there is also debate around registered partnerships. Earlier this month, the Parliament there turned out to be very divided on the question of whether the current regulations should be extended to same-sex couples. The debate is to be continued, CNE concluded at the time.
In Slovenia, same-sex couples are allowed to marry legally. Earlier this year, the law was changed to open up marriage for them as well, CNE wrote. Same-sex couples are also allowed to adopt children, as they now have the same rights as heterosexual couples.
The debate around same-sex relationships is also actual in Ukraine. A European court recently ruled that Ukraine violates human rights as long as they do not recognise same-sex marriage. According to the judge, Ukraine signed the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and is thus obliged to comply with this, CNE states.
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