Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen gets American support prior to her trial

Finnish MP Räsänen. Photo Facebook, Päivi Räsänen
Northern Europe
The Finnish Christian Democrat Päivi Räsänen will soon have a trial again for her controversial tweet about homosexuality. Now, US congress members speak out for her.
US Representatives have sent a letter to the US Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, Rashad Hussain, and to the US Ambassador to Finland, Douglas Hickey. In it, they call upon the Ambassadors to raise their voice against the "egregious and harassing prosecution" ADF International, the organisation that supports Räsänen writes.
The 16 American legislators argue that the "prosecutor is dead set on weaponising the power of Finland's legal system to silence not just a member of parliament and Lutheran bishop, but millions of Finnish Christians who dare to exercise their natural rights to freedom of expression and freedom of religion in the public square." They see the trial as a "punishment" and believe that "no human should face legal harassment for simply living out their religious beliefs."
Hate speech
Christian Democratic MP Päivi Räsänen is accused of the crime of "agitation against a minority group", which falls under hate speech according to the Finnish criminal code.
The prosecutor charges her for her tweet in 2019 that spoke out against the Pride parade and contained Bible verses, but also for a pamphlet of her hand, dating from 2004 and a radio debate in which she opposes homosexuality.
Bishop Juhana Pohjola is also charged because she published the church booklet that Räsänen wrote. Both were acquitted last year, but the Prosecutor appealed the verdict.
Legal assault
The US legislators conclude their letter by pointing out that freedom of expression and freedom of religion is "ingrained in what it means to be an American." In addition, they write that "as members of Congress, "we should stand shoulder to shoulder with all people of good faith in condemning the legal assault on MP Räsänen and bishop Pohjola for merely being Christians."
ADF International writes in its statement to welcome the letter of support. "In a democracy, nobody should fear criminal charges for expressing a peaceful opinion on social media", ADF Legal Counsellor Sean Nelson said.
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