How God chooses a teenager for His most important mission

Mary may have been a teenager, but God chose her to give birth to the Saviour of the world. Photo, AFP, Jure Makovec
Christian Life
The beauty of the Christmas story lies in both its humility and depth. We see the humbleness of the incarnation and the greater dimension of faith of those who became a part of God's story. What is more, you can witness their humility without theological degrees and popularity, as well as never-ending belief in God and His Word.
One of these people is Mary, a girl in Nazareth. She must have been a teenager. In those ancient times, girls got married very early. Engagements took place between the ages of 12-14, and a year later, the wedding would have occurred.
At the age of 14-15, you are no longer a child but not an adult either. Few of us trust teenagers with important matters. Teenagers are rarely trusted to lead a small group or a ministry. Not all churches baptise teenagers because they are not sure of the seriousness of the young person's decision.
However, God does not look at age. He already used one child, a prisoner of war, to preach the gospel to a foreign military leader: the captive girl in Syria who told Naaman about Elisha. God also placed another child on the throne for future spiritual reform in Judea (Josiah). God does not look like people do; He seeks hearts full of faith.
Mary, the young girl, was chosen for God's most important mission in the history of mankind. She found grace from God to become the mother of the Son of God. Mary's reaction is striking in its humility and childlike trust in God: "I am the Lord's servant."
Mary does not ask for miracles to confirm her mission and does not bargain. She does not ask for a partner as a backup. Moreover, she does not refuse because of her flaws, insecurities, or age. She does not laugh at the idea of the immaculate conception, nor does Mary deceive others or run away to avoid punishment for an illegitimate and shameful pregnancy.
"I am the Lord's servant." Mary sincerely loved the Lord, so she desired this pregnancy. The greatness and beauty of the Christmas story can be found in this young girl's humility of heart and depth of faith. God continues to fulfil His mission and build His Kingdom. Each of us is part of God's story, and we are called to join His mission and fulfil what He has in store for us.
It doesn't matter if others look down on your age, gender, background, or gifts because God doesn't think like us. Instead, God is looking for a heart of faithfulness that says, "Here I am, I am the Lord's servant."
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