
Concerning Kids – Dependence is not a shame, but a virtue


Christian Life

Anna Gnatyshyna, CNE.news

A mother holds her baby at the pediatric intensive care. As children are dependent on their mother, so adults should be dependent on God, columnist Anna argues. Photo EPA, Filip Singer

“The only person who dares wake up a king at 3:00 a.m. for a glass of water is a child”, T. Keller once said. We, as adults, would rather take care of everything ourselves. We forget that we have the same kind of access to God.

While growing up in independent world and in a culture with “Do it yourself” mentality, kids learn to be strong and independent. In our times dependence is often viewed as a weak trait. Teenagers are usually the brightest examples of desire to be independent and free of anything and anyone.

But we as Christians want our kids to learn to trust God and to be dependent on Him, as in God’s Kingdom things are reversed. The Bible praises dependence, humility, kindness and many other things that are considered weak in our world.

Family prayers

So how do we raise kids dependent on God in independent and strong world?

Firstly, we should be good examples ourselves. We, as adults, need God in the first place, and our home is the best place where kids learn about walking with God. Do we depend on God? Do we ask God’s help in our family prayers? Do we confess our struggles to God? Don’t hide such prayers from kids. We might act like we are powerful and almighty, but kids know we are not. Let kids be the part of family prayers, when you together pray for God’s help.

I still remember our family prayers when I was five. My parents struggled financially and worked hard on getting the bigger apartment for three kids as we used to live in one-room apartment. We had our evening family prayer time and parents asked all kids to pray for God to help us with a new apartment. We all prayed together, even my little brother (3 years) who could not pronounce all consonants.

God granted my family a new big apartment. That was a huge miracle in the spiritual journey of my parents. For me that was an introduction to relations with God Who is caring, loving and strong to help us.


Secondly, teach dependence upon God in a specific moment. When kids are struggling with anything, teach them to rely on God. I often looked up to my mother for help, and she did what she could do. However, each time, she reminded me to pray to God about it. When she was powerless, she admitted that, and I still remember her words, “Anna, I cannot do it. But God can, and He will take care of you. Hold on to Him strongly”.

Thirdly, celebrate when God has helped you. Reminders are so important for a spiritual walk with God, that God himself commanded Israelites to celebrate special dates that commemorated God’s deliverance in the past. Let it be your new family celebrations.

Dependence on God is learned. We all as kids and adults should learn to use this priceless access to our heavenly King even if it is 3:00 a.m.



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