High demand for Bibles in Ukraine, Bible dispenser says

Anatoliy Raychynets hands out a Bible. Still from YouTube
Eastern Europe
Many citizens in Ukraine ask for Bibles and children's Bibles. The Ukrainian Bible Society has already distributed thousands of copies.
The Bibles are distributed at railway stations, among others, to refugees fleeing westwards in the war-torn country, Anatoliy Raychynets tells in a video of the German Bible Society, about which the German protestant news agency IDEA reports. He and his colleagues have already distributed thousands of copies of the Bible, the Ukrainian Bible Society deputy head adds.
In addition, people get food and medicine. More than once, Raychynets has seen Ukrainians declare they are willing to exhange the bread they received for a Bible. Of course, they are allowed to keep both.
The Kyiv Bible teacher tells about remarkable events. For example, he visited Ukrainian troops in the Kyiv area to have a prayer meeting with the soldiers and to celebrate the Lord's Supper. When he came back to see the troops later, an officer told him enthusiastically: "No soldier has been killed since then, although bombs and rockets have fallen nearby." Raychynets: "They and we believe in the power of prayer."
However, the employees of the Bible Society are also confronted with death and destruction and call for prayer. "Pray for the war to stop! Because everyone knows that we cannot withstand a major military offensive by Russia. Only a miracle from God can end the war", Raychynets says.
Meanwhile, the work of the Ukrainian Bible Society has entirely changed because of the war. Now, 17 men, including pastors whose houses are destroyed in the war, live on the second floor of the office building in Kyiv. They support Bible distribution and relief campaigns. According to Raychynets, the conference room has been converted into a distribution centre for medicines and relief supplies.
The Ukrainian Bible Society has planned to strengthen work among families. Many families are torn apart because many parents work abroad for long periods. Alcohol abuse among young people is a huge problem. "Ukraine tops the list of countries with the most alcoholic children globally", Raychynets alleges. "What we need most right now is Bibles, Bibles, Bibles", he concludes.
Anatoliy Raychynets was interviewed by Pam Rhodes during a broadcast of Sunday Night Live earlier this month.
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